Seminar with Ryan and Jessica Schembri

Hi All!  Yes I am behind on posts…but am about to catch up and it will be “March Blog Madness” as I get ready for the Mid-America Club Bridal Show this coming week!

But in the mean time, here are a few shots from the recent seminar put on by Ryan and Jessica Schembri at The Blackstone Hotel in Chicago this past month.  Just a few I snapped during Ryan’s demonstration at the end of the seminar.

Let me just say, that I’ve already dropped a chunk of change on a few workshops, ALL which have been fantastic, and each from which I walked away have learned something more about composition, gear and camera settings, and one of the more important aspects…client relations.

But not until seeing Ryan’s images from his past weddings did my jaw drop in awe at his and Jessica’s ability to take a great composed shot and make it a work of art!  Many of the images from his introductory slide show nearly made me cry.  There are a lot of great photographers out there, and I have a lot of catching up to do to even consider myself anywhere near their skill level, but Ryan and Jessica’s work made me realize what kind of wedding photographer I aspire to be.  Their work spoke to me, and made me realize that this is more than just an interest in shooting weddings to add to my business services…this is part of the destiny I am pursuing with regard to photography.

Yes, I got this revelation out of fours seminar hours that was modestly priced (and of course I spent a little more to get their Schembri Essential Actions, as well as tutorials and inspirational sets, all which can be found through either of the links posted above.  In addition, part of Ryan’s talk about gear and lighting inspired me to order a video light…a tool which came in handy for creating the desired lighting in a couple of the shots below.

I look forward to a potential 2012 workshop with Ryan and Jessica in 2012 when they make their next trip to Chicago… Enjoy!





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