So far this is my first and only teen/senior high session at this point, but I had TONS of fun with one… WHY?… Because she is my very own sister-in-law! The reason why this shoot was fun was not only because of the photography itself, but before that, we took her to the salon for a little make over, and then shopping for a couple of great outfits!… All I can say is, she came down that weekend a horse loving, ankle length skirt wearing girl from farm country, and emerged from her salon visit and wardrobe shopping trip a chic and mature looking young lady (who still loves horses by the way).
From some of these images, family and friends found it hard to believe this was Catherine in these photos, but no one thought she was anything less than stunning!!! And these are some really great photos to prove it!! Love you Catherine…thanks for a fabulous session!
Crissy Linhart - What a beautiful yoyng woman, and what a wonderful job you did, Jess! This was a fabulous time, too!